Beware of the hanging bridges, because hovercrafts will destroy them in a hail of gunfire, so make sure to get to the other end before the bridge collapses. The mountainous canyon is home to more guerillas and the more dangerous snipers hiding beneath crates or bushes. One of them wears it and gets possessed by unholy power. In a short cutscene, a group of tribesmen finds a mysterious mask. Jump in and out of the Slug to avoid the boss' volleys of shots, and you should win the battle unscathed. Shoot continuously at Metal Rear while restocking from incoming hostages for extra bullets and cannons. Having the Metal Slug grants an advantage in this battle, though the Slug can be destroyed instantly by the Metal Rear's weight. It can also rear back while moving forward in an attempt to crush you with is weight. Like the Slug, it's armed with a minigun that fires salvos of bullets or fiery cannonballs from its mortar.
Free as many hostages possible for weapons, since you leave behind the Slug Gunner when you exit the cave for the boss battle.Ĭombining technology from the Regular Army and Morden's rebels, the Metal Rear is a humongous version of the Metal Slug. These tunnels consist of three short segments with a mix of tribesmen and guerillas. Use its jackhammer to smash the tribesmen's totem portals with ease, while its gatling gun will mow down any enemy faster than a regular Slug. The lower passage grants you the use of the powerful Slug Gunner, which has a robot mode and tank mode. Now you can use it against the first boss batle. Try to stay at the bottom area of this route: near the end, jump into the Metal Slug before the tribesmen push it into the lava. Entering fat mode while having two machine guns will significantly make short work of the enemy troops. Cross the rivers of lava while dodging deadly wall-fire traps, the guerillas' gunfire and the tribsemen's spears. The upper route is a linear tunnel with more dangers, but a reward awaits at the end. Free the hostages and blast the purple maggots before making a choice: taking the upper path or the lower path, which will affect the boss fight later. The aptly-named Corridor of Fire is guarded by masked natives throwing spears, along with lined walls that spew bursts of fire at regular time intervals. Shoot the groups of tribesmen and acid-spitting purple worms and trek the corridor to escape the deadly spike trap. Practice your new sliding maneuver to dash into the crevices and crouch down if ever the ceiling descends. The first hall of the cavern has a spiked ceiling.

Smash the rocks and the masked tribesmen to enter the cavern entrance. In the lower river, blast the Masknell to receive an Enemy Chaser to sink several guerilla motorboats. Locate as many POWs and Rumi Aikawa to obtain weapons and items. Mission 1 || Mission 2 || Mission 3 || Mission 4 || Final Missionīegin your new mission by taking down the guerillas throughout the jungle without falling from your boat. Click on mission number to jump straight to that adventure!